Here is a quick update from JLouis Labs. I have finally started to work on growing herbs as my 4th project for 2016 … well, that not quite accurate… I purchased some of the supplies for the project about a month ago, but I am just now getting around to planting the herbs. I had this crazy idea of building an automated herb garden that would water the plants and control the lights as a starting point for growing herbs. #The_Wookie pointed out that the “Everyday Thing” of this project were the actual herbs. I decided to start a bit simpler: Dirt + Seeds + Random Pot Like Containers + Water + Light + Luck = A chance of having some usable herbs. As of this evening, I have 8 random containers (4 mason jars, 2 milk jugs and 2 pots) full of dirt and seeds. I am excited to see what happens next.