Let me start by welcoming you to my website. I am really excited to be rolling out my new website. I am launching this website for a number of reasons:
- It is part of my 2016 “Make Ten Everyday Things” goal. More on this over on the Projects Page.
- I am always working on different projects and I was trying to figure out a way to document them better. I thought a website might be a great way to do that.
- Every once in a while I am working on a project and think to myself, “I bet someone has done this exact same thing before.” I turn on my google-foo and sometimes find a blog post or project page on someone’s personal website that helps me. I would like to return the favor to someone else!
I currently have the website divided into two sections: Projects and Photography. My plan is to include any non-photography projects that I am working on in the “Projects” section and any thing photography related in the “Photography” section. As with all great plans, this is subject to change.
Thanks you for visiting the site, I hope that you will return soon!